Sliding Door – Finished

We are close now.  Four more pieces and the shed is protected from the outside.  I am pleased with the door.  It needs some finishing touches – I need to cut some bolts that extend too far, and scrape the walls as it slides, and add a guide wheel.


Using the leftover pieces of cedar (After ripping 1×6’s down to 1×4.5″s), I cut the pieces to infill the center piece of the door.  However, it didn’t seem the best option.  I felt like it was a jenga tower, not as attractive in reality as in my mind’s eye, and it would have been a … Continue reading

Pea Gravel

One wheelbarrow full of pea gravel isn’t much to fill up even this small shed’s footprint.  The intent of the pea gravel is multi-purpose – to drain liquid and moisture away from the floor more quickly and easily than soil would, and to give a surface that is easier to level upon than soil.  Purchased … Continue reading

What Not to Do

The need for a new shed is illustrated below.  This shed was a kit of pieces that came from Sear’s.  Sitting in the original boxes in our garage for over a year, when we finally pulled the pieces out of the boxes we were able to assemble the shed in one, short day with three … Continue reading