Brick Ledge – Thanks, Grandpa

My Grandpa again came in with a recommendation to my building strategy, coming just in the nick of time.  He asked what the brick facade would be resting on – I told him I would figure it out when I the time came.  He disapproved of this nonchalance and recommended I use the top edge … Continue reading

Concrete Block – Finished!

Laying Block (the right way)

A Short Lived Second Course

I laid the north wall’s second course of block with far less trouble than the first course.  Blocks lying square on top of other blocks are much easier to lay than atop of a 2×10.  This isn’t to say that the process is easy – it is still difficult and beyond my skill – but … Continue reading

Fifty More Blocks

Using a sledgehammer, I extracted 50 more blocks from this site (50 seems to be the capacity of our trailer).  Previously, in December, my Dad and I had come down and gathered fifty blocks that were lying near this pit, unattached to anything else.  This time, the only blocks available were mortared in with the … Continue reading

Quality Inspection

The first course of blocks are set in place.  The craft is similar to that of a kindergardener’s drawing of his mom and dad.  And, while I desire my craft to improve, I still take satisfaction in the fact the blocks are set and a hurricane could come through without the blocks moving.  The photos … Continue reading

Mortar Up!

Mortar mix is a thirsty character.  Obediently following directions, I always began with one gallon of water for one sixty pound bag of mortar mix.  From there I added by hose without measuring, mixing until I achieved a mix that felt and looked right.  The directions indicate that the mortar should be able to stick … Continue reading

Spacing the Blocks

Apparently I’m some sort of gen-ee-us because the 2×10 base I hastily made for the CMU’s allows all blocks to fit without cutting a single one; at least in the practice run, spacing the blocks exactly 3/8″ apart with no acutal mortar inbetween yet.